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Fertility Preservation

Oocyte cryopreservation, or egg freezing, is a state-of-the-art method that allows individuals to preserve their fertility by extracting, freezing, and storing eggs for future use. This technique is especially valuable for women undergoing medical treatments like chemotherapy that could impact their fertility or for those who wish to delay starting a family. Egg freezing offers a proactive approach, giving women the flexibility to focus on their personal and professional goals while keeping the option to have biological children when the time is right.

The Three Major Advantages of Freezing Eggs


Flexibility in Family Planning

The primary advantage of freezing eggs is the flexibility it provides in family planning. Women can proactively preserve their fertility while pursuing career or personal goals, ensuring they have the option to have biological children when they are ready.


Mitigating Age-Related Fertility Decline

Egg freezing helps mitigate the impact of age-related fertility decline. By freezing eggs at a younger age when fertility is higher, women can enhance their chances of successful conception in the future, even if they choose to start a family later in life


Addressing Medical Treatments and Health Concerns

For women facing medical treatments that may affect fertility, such as chemotherapy, egg freezing offers a vital solution. It allows them to preserve their eggs before undergoing treatments, providing a proactive measure to address potential fertility challenges associated with health conditions.

The Egg Freezing Process

1. Ovarian Stimulation: Begin by taking medications to stimulate the ovaries, encouraging them to produce multiple eggs in one menstrual cycle.

2. Egg Retrieval (Transvaginal Ultrasound-Guided Oocyte Aspiration - TVU): Undergo a minor surgical procedure called TVU. While sedated to minimize discomfort, eggs are retrieved from the ovaries using a thin needle guided by ultrasound.

3. Immediate Freezing (Vitrification): The retrieved eggs are immediately frozen using a rapid freezing technique called vitrification. This process helps prevent the formation of ice crystals, ensuring the eggs remain healthy during storage.

4.Storage in Liquid Nitrogen: Frozen eggs are stored in liquid nitrogen at a very low temperature, preserving their quality until you decide to use them.

Finding the Ideal Fertility Specialist for You

5 Common Questions About Freezing Eggs

  • 1. Why should I consider freezing my eggs?
    Egg freezing is considered for various reasons, including preserving fertility due to age, medical treatments, or personal choices. It provides an option for women to enhance their chances of having biological children in the future.
  • 2. Is the egg-freezing process painful?
    The egg retrieval process is typically done under sedation, ensuring that individuals do not feel pain during the procedure. Discomfort is minimized, making it a relatively well-tolerated process.
  • 3. What is the optimal age for egg freezing?
    While there is no specific age, egg freezing is generally more successful at a younger age. Women often consider it in their 20s to early 30s to capture eggs when they are of higher quality and better chance of success in future use.
  • 4. How long can eggs be stored?
    Eggs can be stored for an extended period, and the quality is maintained. The duration of storage is often a personal choice, and eggs can be preserved for several years until the individual is ready to use them.
  • 5. Does egg freezing guarantee a successful pregnancy in the future?
    While egg freezing significantly increases the chances of a successful pregnancy, it does not guarantee it. Success depends on various factors, including the age at which the eggs were frozen and the overall health of the individual during future attempts at conception.

Any More Questions?

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18881 Von Karman Ave, Suite 1240,

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